
Equality And Diversity In An Organisation

University: CECOS College London

  • Unit No:
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 20 / Words 5034
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Question :

This assessment will cover following questions:

  • Tesco is a retail supermarket chain of United Kingdom. How does positive treatment promote equality and diversity in workplace?
  • How does treatment help to improve the equal opportunity policy of Tesco?
  • Analyse the impact of equality and diversity and how it influences the working condition of employees.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Tesco


With the increasing demand of globalisation, it empower organisation to acquire more interaction between employees from diverse backgrounds. For this reason, managing equality and diversity at workplace becomes one of the crucial factor in every form of establishment. This is because, it enable managers to create healthy and better working relationship among employees as well as can retain them for for longer time duration (Hancock, 2020). However, the term equality is refer to those activity in which organisation ensures whether all employees are being treated in an equal manner while diversity is concern about recognising, valuing, accepting, respecting, encouraging different culture, languages, norms, beliefs. In order to develop a proper balance between equality and diversity, positive treatment from organisation greatly impact over manpower attitude towards organisational goal. The reason is that a fair behaviour or treatment motivate personnel to put their best contribution for the accomplishment of pre defined business objective as well as helps them to avoid the fact of discrimination or inequality in an amended way.

In relation to this research report, Tesco has been considered which is one of the well reputed and branded retailer in UK retail industry. It is founded in the year of 1919 and serve its wide range of products or service like supermarket, hypermarket, superstore, convenience shop across the globe (Lambert and et. al., 2019). However, for understanding the significance of positive treatment for promoting equality and diversity, current research report includes research aim, objective, question, literature review. Moreover, application of different research methodology, analysing the data and interpreting the same by using tools. Finally, analysing the appropriate suggestions on the basis of collected data or information and concluding the same with an aim of achieving pre determined purpose in an improved way.

Research Aim

“ To investigate the importance of maintaining positive treatment for promoting equality and diversity in workplace”. - Case Study on Tesco

Research Objective

  • To analyse positive treatment of employees to understand the equal opportunity policy of Tesco.
  • To examine the impact of equality on the workplace diversity of Tesco (Greene, 2019).
  • How positive treatment helps to improve the equal opportunity policy of Tesco?
  • How the workplace diversity is promoted by the practice of equality in Tesco?

Research Questions

Rationale of research

The main rationale behind choosing this title i. e. positive treatment promote equality and diversity is that as per current scenario of marketplace, majority of organization face difficulty in maintaining strong relationship among employers and employees. However, by conducting such study, it enable researcher to identify the effectiveness of generating positive working culture and also its impact over manpower performance and satisfaction level (Barreto, 2019). Moreover, by this research, investigator will also be able to determine different equality policies which assist company to impose positive response among employees in a better way. Additionally, with the help of current study, it help investigator to gain information about various research methodology in order to develop an accurate and reliable report within prescribed time duration without any obstacles.


Literature review basically provides a comprehensive summary of previous research conducted by some scholar on a specific topic thus, it includes review of various surveys, scholarly articles, books and various other sources that are relevant and associated with a particular research area (Hamzat, 2019). The main aim of this literature review is to provide a theoretical base for the current research that makes it easy to determine the nature of research through providing acknowledgement to some previous research. This literature review is conducted on the current topic i.e. “How does positive treatment promote equality and diversity in workplace” and for that purpose use of various online websites and scholarly articles are made to have an evaluation of various research objectives and questions.

Positive treatment helps to improve the equal opportunity policy

According to the view point of Shelley Frost, (2020), a positive culture and treatment at workplace facilitates improvement in equal opportunity policy of an organisation through encouraging collaboration and meeting expecting quality life of all individuals. A positive treatment at workplace of Tesco has made its workers more likely to feel a connection with organisation and perform their work in a more effective way to complete a project that brings dedication to promote and ensure equality at workplace. The equal opportunity policy is a base of every organisation that facilitates a healthy and productive workplace where everyone feel supported and valued for their work (AUGUSTUS, 2019). Fair treatment and treating everyone with respect and providing a positive treatment is necessary to have an equal opportunity policy in the organisation. An equal opportunity policy of Tesco includes providing fair chances and same opportunities for hiring, advancement and benefits to everyone without any kind of discrimination that can only be possible through having a positive treatment at workplace.

Further, as per the opinion of Azhar Nayeem, (2018), a workplace should have an interactive environment where all employees and individuals are positively and fairly treated to have better impact on the productivity of employees together with creation of equality and healthy organisational culture. The strategy and tactic of a company like Tesco of treating everyone positively and equally is the main the reason of their success as the equal opportunity policy and positive treatment facilitates an internal motivation in employees that enhance and boost their morale and makes the employees more competent and productivity for success of organisation (Kundu, Bansal and Pruthi, 2019). Further it has been also analysed by Azhar, that without having a positive treatment at workplace, proper execution and adoption of equal opportunity policy is not possible as fair treatment is the first pillar and base of equality policy. Therefore, it can be evaluated that Positive treatment helps to improve the equal opportunity policy of Tesco through building and leading a culture of fairness at the workplace and within the overall organisation.

To examine the impact of equality on the workplace diversity of Tesco

As per the view point of Zach Lazzari, (2019), equality at workplace is mainly associated with providing a business culture where no person or individuals experience a fear of discrimination on basis of their gender, age, sex, race, etc. Thus, equality is directly related with providing equal and fair job opportunity for all individuals through having an unbiased HR practises and fair recruitment and selection process. Therefore, it can be evaluated that equality at workplace of Tesco lead to a positive impact on the diversity level in the organisation through yielding a same and equal chance of job and employment to all individuals who are coming from diversified culture, background, etc (Hughes, 2019). The main reason behind promoting equality and diversity at workplace of Tesco is related with the important role played by these concepts in the success and effective growth of an organisation. Maintaining equality at workplace facilitates better motivation in employees through a fair treatment and also yield equal growth opportunities that enhance their performance. Beside this, equality in HR practises also facilitates diversity at workplace and maintain an inclusive workforce that lead to more competitive strength and also enhance creativity level of organisation.

Further, according to the the view point of Louise Petty, (2016), equality is an important concept for very organisation as it facilitates and ensures fair treatment and access to equal opportunities in the organisation that is necessary to provide a mental peace and job satisfaction to employees. Beside this, equality also facilitates a workplace environment that is free from all harassment, discrimination, victimisation and bullying thus, lead to a more diversified and inclusive workforce that facilities better expansion opportunity and more competitive strength to organisation in business environment (Palumbo and Manna, 2019). A business can not grow and prosper if all individuals have same thinking and interest thus, to have some creative and innovative ides to grow and prosper a significant level of diversity is necessary that can only be promoted through equality and fair treatment. The policy of equality in Tesco attracts a larger number of workers from diversified culture, background and also from all age groups, gender, sex, religion, etc. thus helpful in maintaining a significant level of diversity at workplace. Beside this, equality also ensure a more inclusive workforce that is dedicated and committed towards their work, therefore lead to enhancement in their efficiency and promote success of organisation. Thus, it can be evaluated that the equality and fair HR practises and strategies lead to a positive impact on workplace diversity of Tesco through providing fair job opportunity to all individuals.

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It provide a set of tool, techniques and methods to accomplish a research work in more effective manner and also ensure timely completion of research project and attainment of research objectives.

Research Philosophy

It is basically an over arching term that is related with development of knowledge and nature of that knowledge together with a belief about phenomenon that should be used to gather, analysis and present data. Research philosophy is basically of two types a description of which is provided below:

Positivism- This type of research philosophy is more focused and associated with properly observing and predicting research findings and outcomes in a scientific way. Positivism research philosophy provides a highly structured method for conducting research which is not much effected by values and behaviour of researcher and its outcomes are also easily measurable (Kamenou-Aigbekaen, 2019).

Interpretivism- This method of research philosophy facilitates a detained and rich insight into the research topic through ensuring collection of subjective data that provide a better generalisation gathered information.

For conducting this particular research Positivism philosophy has been used as it facilitates a more scientific and structured method to predict and reach a specific conclusion through providing an easily measurable outcomes and research findings.

Research approach

It mainly provides a representation of the plan and procedures that are used by researcher to accomplish a research project (Nachmias, Caven and Kouki, 2019). It includes various steps and strategies together with broad assumptions that lead to effective collection of data together with its proper analysis and approach. The two types of research approach that are commonly used in a research are as follows:

Deductive- The main focus and emphasis of this research is on testing pre determined theory that includes selecting a suitable theory, developing hypotheses for selected theory and at last, collecting and analysing data according to these hypotheses.

Inductive- This research approach is mainly associated with generation of new theory through providing a more logical and practical process. Under this research approach a set of multiple assumptions are made and various beliefs are also their which are combined to reach or draw a specific conclusion for research (Nadirshaw, 2019).

For the purpose of this research use of inductive approach is made as it provide a more logical and practical set of process for conducting research in a more better and effective way.

Research method

Use of research method is made to achieve desired objectives and targets of research on time through having a systematic plan. The two types of research methods that are commonly used for research are as follows:

Qualitative research method- It is mainly associated with collection of theoretical data that reflects the detailed and in-depth perspective of an individuals regarding a specific topic. Thus, the theoretical data collected through this research method is difficult to present through graphs, charts or table (Chang and Milkman, 2019). Use of in-depth interviews, focus group and review of documents are made by a researcher in order to collect descriptive information.

Quantitative research method- Use of this research method is made by a researcher to collect and gather information in numerical terms that can be sailorly presented in form of tables and graphs to have better prediction about perspective and view of respondents. Use of this method includes various techniques like Surveys, observations, questionnaire and structured interviews to collect data in numeric terms (Nachmias and Caven, 2019).

For the current research project use of quantitative research method is made to collect data in arithmetic and numeric form that can be easily converted into frequency table and chart form to made easy conclusion and better understanding of data.

Sources of data

Basically there are two main sources of data i.e. primary and secondary. For this research project use of both the sources of data are made to achieve the objectives of this research a description of which is provided below:

Primary sources- Use of this sources is made collect an authentic and up to date data directly form the respondents. Use of survey method together with an questionnaires is made to collect data from primary source (Hennekam, Bacouel-Jentjens and Yang, 2019).

Secondary sources- It represent the sources of data which is already exists in form of past records and documents and used to provide support to the facts of primary data. Use of various scholarly articles and online website is made to collect data from the secondary source for this research project.

Sample process is associated with selecting a pre determined number of observation from a large population to make a research work more cost effective and less time consuming (Wilson, 2019) . Use of random sampling method is made to select the sample size of 40 respondents from stakeholders of Tesco that mainly includes its employees, mangers and directors in order to get better understanding about the concept of equality and diversity.

Gantt chart

To meet the provided timelines and to ensure completion of each activity on time use of Gantt chart is made. It is basically a project management tool that lead to clarity and transparency in project through properly stating all the activities together with their time duration thus, ensure timely completion of a research work (Joshua-Gojer, Allen and Huang, 2019).

Research Ethics

While conducting this research all the principles and ethics of research are properly met and it has been also ensured that none of the research activity should harm or hurt any individual or animal. Proper written consent and approval is also taken from respondents to ensue the conduction of research in a most ethical way.


This phase of research methodology is concern about analysing the collected data and interpreting the same with the usage of suitable tools or procedure. However, in relation to this research, researcher select 40 respondents from Tesco who are employing in company. Use of random sampling method is made to select the sample size of 40 respondents from stakeholders of Tesco that mainly includes its employees, mangers and directors in order to get better understanding about the concept of equality and diversity. The stakeholder of an organisation is basically a sum total of all the parties and individuals that are directly or indirectly get affected by the strategies and policies of organisation and also have influence on decision making of organisation. The stakeholders of Tesco includes its directors, clients, business partners, customers, suppliers, employees and all other associated parties.

In order to collect information from 40 Respondents from the employees and workforce of Tesco use of following questionnaire is made which consists a set of question associated with the research topic in order to get and gather opinion and view points of respondents on research topic.


Q1) Are you aware about the term equality and diversity?

a) Yes

b) No

Q2) Do you think that managing equality and diversity is important for organisation?

a) Yes

b) No

Q3) What are the advantages which an establishment can acquire from maintaining equality and diversity at workplace?

a) Promote innovation

b) Improve brand reputation

c) Build positive working relationship

Q4) Is positive treatment enable company to handle equality and diversity within business function?

a) Agree

b) Disagree

Q5) What are the challenges that Tesco face while managing equality and diversity inside functional unit?

a) Linguistic barrier

b) Generation Gaps

c) Resistance to change

Q6) What are the ways which Tesco imply to overcome the challenges of maintaining equality and diversity within organisation?

a) Equal opportunity

b) Women's appraisal

c) Proper training

Q7) Does handling diverse workforce help organisation to gain cutting edge competitive advantage?

a) Yes

b) No

Q8) Provide suitable recommendation for Tesco in regard of promoting equality and diversity at workplace?


Interpretation of Collected Data

To evaluate and analysis the data collected through questionnaire use of thematic approach is made. A description about research findings and presentation of collected data is provided below with the use of frequency table and pie charts.

Theme 1: Term equality and diversity

Q1) Are you aware about the term equality and diversity?


a) Yes


b) No



On the basis of above pie chart it can be analysed that 30 respondents are ware about the term equality and diversity while 10 respondents are not having much information about these concepts. Equality is associated with treating all individual fairly through removing all kind of discrimination and harassment on the basis of gender, culture, sex, religion, etc. On the other hand diversity is associated with respecting all people and promoting an inclusive culture to encourage and motivate all staff.

Theme 2: Managing equality and diversity is important

Q2) Do you think that managing equality and diversity is important for organisation?


a) Yes


b) No



The above chart is reflecting that 35 respondents out of 40 are having a believe that managing equality and diversity is important for an organisation as it facilitates fair treatment and positive workplace environment that enhance productivity and creativity of an organisation which is necessary for its success. Further, 5 respondents are also their that disagreed with the fact that managing equality and diversity is important.

Theme 3: Advantages which an establishment can acquire from maintaining equality and diversity

Q3) What are the advantages which an establishment can acquire from maintaining equality and diversity at workplace?


a) Promote innovation


b) Improve brand reputation


c) Build positive working relationship



As per the above stated diagram it can be interpreted that 20 individuals are having a view point that maintaining equality and diversity at workplace through an establishment lead to promotion of innovation while 5 responders are in support of improvement in brand reputation through maintaining equality and diversity at workplace. Further, 15 respondents are having a thinking that building positive working relationship is the biggest advantage which an establishment can acquire from maintaining equality and diversity at workplace.

Theme 4: Positive treatment enable company to handle equality and diversity

Q4) Is positive treatment enable company to handle equality and diversity within business function?


a) Agree


b) Disagree



In respect of above pie chart, it can be analysed that 30 respondents are agreed with the fact that positive treatment enable company to handle equality and diversity within business function through having a policy of equality and fairness while 10 individuals disagree with this statement.

Theme 5: Challenges faced by Tesco while managing equality and diversity inside functional unit

Q5) What are the challenges that Tesco face while managing equality and diversity inside functional unit?


a) Linguistic barrier


b) Generation Gaps


c) Resistance to change



On the basis of above picture it can be interpreted that 10 respondents believes that Linguistic barrier is the biggest challenge that is faced by Tesco while managing equality and diversity inside functional unit where as 25 respondents have a view point generation gap among the workforce is the biggest threat while managing equality and diversity. Beside this, 5 respondents are having a view that the nature of employees of having resistance to change is the biggest issue that is faced by Tesco while managing equality and diversity inside functional unit.

Theme 6: Ways to overcome the challenges of maintaining equality and diversity

Q6) What are the ways which Tesco imply to overcome the challenges of maintaining equality and diversity within organisation?


a) Equal opportunity


b) Women's appraisal


c) Proper training



The above drawn pie chart is reflecting view points of respondents on the ways that can be adopted by Tesco to overcome the challenges of maintaining equality and diversity. It has been analysed that 30 respondents believes that providing equal opportunity is the best way to overcome the challenges of maintaining equality and diversity in organisation while 5 responders are in support of Women's appraisal to remove the chances of gender discrimination. Beside this, 5 respondents are having a thinking that providing proper training is an effective way to overcome the challenges of maintaining equality and diversity.

Theme 7: Handling diverse workforce help organisation to gain cutting edge competitive advantage

Q7) Does handling diverse workforce help organisation to gain cutting edge competitive advantage?


a) Yes


b) No



The above pie chart is clearly depicting that 35 respondents are agreed with the statement that handling diverse workforce help organisation to gain cutting edge competitive advantage through enhancing its creativity and innovation level while 5 respondents are not having this perspective.

Research Findings

After evaluation of collected data its has been concluded at maximum number of respondents believes that managing equality and diversity is important for an organisation as it facilitates better promotion of innovation, improvement in brand reputation and also build positive working relationship. Beside this, it can also be evaluated that many challenges and issues are also faced by an organisation while managing equality and diversity which includes linguistic barrier, generation gaps and resistance to change. Beside this, different ways that can be adopted by an organisation to overcome the challenges of maintaining equality and diversity within organisation are also evaluated through this research which includes providing equal opportunity, Women's appraisal and proper training.


On the basis of above research findings and conclusion following recommendations can be made for Tesco to properly manage the equality and diversity at its workplace through overcoming the various challenges:

  • Tesco should provide timely cultural training to its employees to make them aware about the pros and cons of equality and diversity and also facilitates respect for all culture and religion that ensure proper management and development of equality and diversity at workplace and also overcome the issues of linguistic barrier and generation gap through providing training about basic concepts of various culture.
  • It is recommended for Tesco to provide equal opportunity and fair treatment to all employees through adopting some unbiased HR practises and a more participative management and leadership style to maintain equality and inclusive workforce.
  • Beside this, timely and fair appraisal of women are also recommended for Tesco as it lead to reduction in gender discrimination and pay inequality which is necessary to build an environment of equality and diversity at workplace.

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The journey of this research project is very knowledgeable and helpful for me in enhancing my information about the specific research topic. Beside this, use of various research technology and methods are also made by me like quantitative research method that lead to better practise and development of better knowledge. Further, collection of data through primary source has enhanced and improved by communication skills through leading better interaction with people. Beside this, preparation of Gantt chart has improved by time management skills and other interpersonal skills. Many issues related with insufficient finance and time were also faced by me during this research which were timely analysed and solved by me through use of my analytical skills. Thus, overall this research work is very helpful for me and lead to overall personality development and enhancement it my skills therefore, opened doors of better opportunity and growth in future.


This has been concluded from the above discussed report equality and diversity plays a vital role in accomplishing pre determined organisational goal or objective in an trenchant manner. Along with this, it also empower company to provide equal opportunity to employees and also assist them to build long lasting relationship that lead them to promote innovation and development in an impressive style without any hindrances. Furthermore, positive treatment and attitude of employers enable them to obtain increased level of personnel motivation or satisfaction towards company in a amended mode. Moreover, by applying different research methodologies help investigator to produce valid and authentic report in a stipulated time limit in an improved manner.

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